San Diego Symphony Administration 

Mailing Address

1245 Seventh Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
9am - 5pm 
Monday - Friday


Admin Phone: 619.235.0800 
Admin Fax: 619.235.0005 

Copley Symphony Hall Ticket Office

Street Address

750 B Street
San Diego, CA 92101
(Please do not mail to this address;
use the Symphony MAILING address above.)

Phone: 619.235.0804
Fax: 619.231.3848


Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11am - 5pm 
(Ticket Office will only be available by phone or e-mail until further notice.)

Concert/Event Days
Tuesday - Friday: 10am - intermission
Saturdays and Sundays: 12 noon - intermission

NOTE: During busy phone times, such as subscription or single ticket on-sales, ticket requests/concerns can always be sent directly to

The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park Box Office

Street Address

222 Marina Park Way
San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: 619.235.0804


Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11am - 5pm 
(Rady Shell Box Office available for window sales from 12noon to intermission only on concert event days.)

NOTE: During busy phone times, such as subscription or single ticket on-sales, ticket requests/concerns can always be sent directly to

For Rental of the rady shell, contact:

Jeffrey Jordan, Director of External Events

Please note: San Diego Symphony personnel may use SMS/texting in responding to patron inquiries.
SMS opt-in or phone numbers for the purpose of SMS are not being shared.